Assignments undertaken since January 2007 Comprehensive Organizational Assessment of Uganda National NGO Forum. Client: CISU. Period: November 2018 – February 2019 The services included: Consultative meetings with members and other stakeholders at sub-regional level. Organizational assessment of secretariat and board. Recommendations on how to focus and reorganize the forum. Training course on the use of outcome-oriented methods for monitoring Client: CISU. Period: September 2018 The services included: Presentation of pros and cons of outcome-oriented methods for monitoring with a focus on Outcome Mapping and Outcome Harvesting. Facilitation of workshop. Preparation of discussion paper.
PACT review and design Client: Care Denmark. Period: December 2017 – April 2018 The services included: Review of programme in Mozambique supporting NGOs as well as civil society networks working for the rights to land and other natural resources of rural communities. Facilitation of workshop with stakeholders. Recommendations for design of the next programme phase. Based on a second visit in Mozambique the new programme document was prepared
Facilitation of revision of Eco Schools Programme’s Monitoring and Evaluation system Client: Danish Outdoor Council. Period: November 2017 The services included: Workshop for DOC and its African partners on Outcome Mapping, Outcome Harvesting and other tools for M&E. Preparation of M&E Manual for the programme Study of challenges and opportunities in Northern Uganda concerning development of small-scale agriculture Client: Danida. Period: December 2016 – February 2017. The services included: Review of programme supporting CSO partners with strong advocacy agendas. Document review, interviews with partners and stakeholders (including government entities at whom advocacy is directed) in Mozambique and Denmark, workshops with strategic partners. Evaluation of the program based support through Finnish CSOs Client: Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Period: November 2015 – September 2016. The services included: Team leader for team of eleven consultants and coordinator for the evaluation of the programmes of Fairtrade Finland and Finnish Refugee Council Evaluation of the programmes of six Finnish NGOs with partnership agreements with MFA of which the faith-based Felm is the largest. Interviews with the Finnish NGOs, MFA and others, and document review to assess (results-based) their management mechanisms. Meta-analysis of external evaluation reports of the six NGO programmes. Field studies of a sample of projects implemented by the six NGOs (in 10 countries). Analysis and report writing, coordination of sub-teams and preparation of synthesis report. PACT Mid-term Review Client: Care Denmark. Period: February – March 2016. The services included: Review of programme supporting CSO partners with strong advocacy agendas. Document review, interviews with partners and stakeholders (including government entities at whom advocacy is directed) in Mozambique and Denmark, workshops with strategic partners. Yen Sore Mid-Term Review Client: Care Denmark. Period: February 2016. The services included: Team leader for the assignment Analysis of programme achievements, strategies and relevance to inform planning and decision-making for the second half of the programme period. The analysis was based on document review, interviews with partners and stakeholders (including government entities at whom advocacy is directed) in Ghana and Denmark. Formulation of SPSD III Client: Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Period: April – October 2015. The services included: Linking promotion of new technologies with training programmes Formulating programmes for promoting solar power for irrigation, for turning agricultural waste into energy and for improved energy efficiency Establishing a functional M&E framework for the programme Impact evaluation of the SNV school garden project in Uganda Client: SNV. Period November 2014 – September 2015. The services included: Team leader for the assignment Evaluation of impact from capacity building of local organisations and of 700 schools for promoting agricultural development implemented by SNV in conjunction with 25 Ugandan civil society organisations. Document review; design, supervision and analysis of quantitative survey; qualitative field research in two districts in Uganda; overall analysis and preparation of evaluation report. Formulation of municipal support programme for northern Mozambique Client: Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Period March – July 2014. The services included: Formulating a framework for support to 26 municipalities in Mozambique. Support to maintenance and establishment of economic infrastructure Support to establishing a local tax system less harmful to local business development Evaluation of Kasa Client: CISU. Period October – December 2013. The services included: Team leader for the assignment Assessment of platform for civil society organisations advocating for reducing harmful effects of extractive industries Evaluation of results related to changes in legal framework for extractive industries Capacity Assessment of Danish People’s Aid (DPA) Client: Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Period August – September 2013. The services included: Team leader for the assignment Organizational capacity assessment Assessment of capacity for supporting organizational capacity development of Southern civil society partners as well as DPA’s systems for financial management of the programme and reporting procedures. Mid-term Evaluation of PRODEZA Client: Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Period April – June 2013. The services included: Team leader for multi-disciplinary team Assessment of rural development project including support to small farmers, agri-business and strengthening of service provision of district administration Mid-term review of Renewable Energy for Rural Development Client: BTC. Period February – April 2013. The services included: Assessment of relevance, effect and sustainability of provision of energy to rural businesses Institutional and socioeconomic assessment of the support mechanisms of the Mozambican fund for renewable energy. Field studies in Manica and Sofala Provinces. Capacity assessment of Centre for International Cooperation (FIC)
CISU. Period: May – July 2012. Analysis of strategic framework of FIC Dialogue with staff, board members and members of FIC Interview (Skype) with partners in East Africa Workshop on preliminary results with key staff and board members Preparation of capacity assessment report recommending how FIC could develop Impact Study of Minipuljen
Client: CISU. Period: Apr –
May 2012. Elaboration of methodology including questionnaire design, sampling etc. Coordination of data collection from NGOs involved in the study. Analysis of results and preparation of final report Establishing a functional M&E framework for the Second Phase of Peace, Recovery and Development Plan (PRDP) (a series of contracts)
DFID/PricewaterhouseCoopers/office of the Prime Minister. Period: Feb
2012 – Nov 2015. Review of the logframe Selection of relevant key outcome indicators already collected by sector ministries Selection of output indicators Defining reporting mechanisms and institutional set-up Dialogue with stakeholders (ministries, donors, local government and civil society) on how to define the M&E framework Capacity assessment of the unit responsible for processing data and writing the final reports (Northern Uganda Data Centre) Preparation of a comprehensive M&E framework document Awareness raising and training of stakeholders in relation to their tasks in relation to M&E Capacity building of Northern Uganda Data Centre Support in relation to data analysis and report writing Study of Civil Society in Mozambique
Client: CARE Denmark. Period:
Nov – Dec 2011. Analysis of context and issues in relation to natural resource issues Assessment of dialogue between civil society and government in relation to natural resource issues Capacity assessment of NGOs implementing CARE natural resource management programme in northern Mozambique Mapping of relevant civil society partners at provincial (Nampula) and at national levels Conceptualising principles for future support to civil society in relation to natural resource management Needs assessment for Second Phase of Peace, Recovery and Development Plan (PRDP)
DFID/PricewaterhouseCoopers/office of the Prime Minister. Period:
Sept – Oct 2011. Analysis of national plans and district plans Dialogue with relevant sector representatives in the 54 districts of the PRDP region Formulation of programme document for Phase 2 of PRDP (2012 – 2015) taking account of inputs from district representatives as well as recommendations from the Mid-term Review Mid-term Review of Peace, Recovery and Development Plan (PRDP) for Northern Uganda
DFID/PricewaterhouseCoopers/office of the Prime Minister. Period: May
– June 2011. Team leader for the assignment. Design of survey instruments: questionnaire, sample frame, training of enumerators Implementation of survey Data analysis and report writing Appraisal of Empowerment for Life (Northern Ghana)
Client: Danida. Period: April
2011. Assessment of programme proposal prepared by the Ghana Friendship Groups and their partner GDCA Field visits and dialogue with all stakeholders on the ground Dialogue with GDCA Recommendations on how to adjust programme proposal Review of Political Space Programme
Client: DanChurchAid. Period:
Jan. – May 2011. Team leader for the assignment. Review and analysis of results as reported by 12 country programmes Questionnaire survey supplemented by Skype interviews with representatives for the country programmes Strategic framework for future programming Review of Arab-European Human Rights Dialogue
Client: Danida. Period: Oct. –
Dec 2010. Team leader for the assignment. Consultation with representatives for human rights institutes, governments and civil society in a number of Arab countries Assessment of the dialogue between Arab and European stakeholders Recommendations on establishing a framework for the continued dialogue Evaluation of Uganda Human Rights and Good Governance Programme
Client: EU. Period: Nov. –
Dec 2010. Team leader for the assignment. Assessment of outcomes of awareness raising and provision of access to justice to marginalised groups (especially women and children) Assessment of outcomes of capacity building of duty bearers in the justice sector Assessment of impact of policy dialogue. Analysis of results and reporting. Evaluation of Sudan Productive Capacity Recovery Programme
Client: EU. Period: Apr. –
May 2010. Organisational capacity development expert for the assignment. Questionnaire design and execution of a tracer study Assessment of organisational development with state ministries of agriculture in South as well as in North Sudan. Analysis of results and reporting. Formulation of Rural Development Programme in Mozambique
Client: EU. Period: Dec. 2009
– Feb. 2010. Team leader for the assignment. Consultations with stakeholders and close coordination with National directorate for Promotion of Rural Development. Collection and analysis of data on rural business development. Appraisal of geographic development programme for Northern Ghana and capacity assessment of Ghana Venskabsgrupperne
Danida. Period: Aug. – Oct. 2009. Team leader for the assignment Field-studies of project interventions in Northern Ghana. Consultations with stakeholders within rural development in Northern Ghana Analysis of organisational set-up in Ghana Organisational analysis of the Danish NGO, Ghana Venskabsgrupperne Preparation of appraisal report with recommendations Preparation of capacity assessment report with recommendations Formulation of private sector lead rural development programme in Georgia
Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Period Dec. 2008 – Jun.
2009 Identification of needs Consultation with stakeholders at national level as well as at local level in Western Georgia Analysis of value chains for fruits and berries and identification of key areas where support is needed Analysis of needs for financial support and formulation of credit facility Formulation of final programme Evaluation of support to emergency education in South Sudan
Red Barnet. Period: Oct. – Dec. 2008. Team leader position for the assignment Field-studies of communities and schools in two regions: Jonglei State and Northern Bahr el Ghazal State Analysis and evaluation on basis of DAC criteria Coastal zone management in Mozambique
Danida. Period:
Aug. 2008 - Jun. 2010. Advice and assistance to the Provincial Directorates for Coordination of Environmental Actions (DPCAs) in the strategic planning and management of the component as well as monitoring, evaluation and quality control; Assistance and advice to the members of the Provincial Technical Teams (ETPs) and to the Centre for Sustainable Development (CDS) on the overall planning, identification, coordination and implementation of component activities; Advice to the DPCAs, the ETPs and the CDS on component reporting according to established Danida requirements and procedures; Provision of technical support to the national long-term advisors in their tasks; Assistance to the implementers in the development of Terms of Reference, procurement and evaluation of consultancy proposals. Development of West Africa Strategy for IBIS
IBIS (Danish NGO). Period: Mar. 2008 - Jun. 2008. Leading the team of four consultants Participatory review of existing programmes in Ghana, Liberia and Sierra Leone Involvement of stakeholders in West Africa and Denmark in outlining future strategic direction Elaboration of strategy document in close collaboration with the IBIS Board Study of Support to Activity- and Resource Centres for Local Civil Society Organisations
MS (Danish NGO). Period: Feb. - Mar. 2007. Assessment of the results from support to civil society organisations and field study in Uganda and Tanzania; Appraisal of plan for establishing 'houses for democratic development' at district level and elaboration of recommendations for how to provide support for local civil society and facilitate interaction with local government. Evaluation of Co-ordination and Complementarity of Country Strategy Papers with National Development Priorities
DFID. Period: May 2005 - Apr. 2007. Team leader position for the assignment Field-studies of two partner countries: Tanzania and Zambia Desk-studies of six partner countries (five in Africa plus Vietnam) concerning the impact from implementation of Country Strategy Papers by the European Commission and by a number of EU Member States Analysis and evaluation on basis of the country studies Reporting and a number of presentations of the evaluation results in Brussels; Final Evaluation of the Foundation for Human Rights in South Africa
European Commission, South Africa. Period: Apr. - Jun. 2007. Team-leader position for the evaluation; Design and implementation of field survey of beneficiaries; Organisational analysis of the Foundation for Human Rights; Analysis based on the 5 DAC evaluation criteria, development of recommendations and writing of final report. Evaluation of the Norwegian Petroleum Related Assistance
NORAD. Period: May 2006 - Apr. 2007. Overall design of the evaluation methodology and approach; Field studies in Angola, Mozambique and Bangladesh. Joint Evaluation of the Country Programme Benin-Denmark 1990-2006
Danida. Period: Aug. 2007 - Oct. 2008. Team-leader position for the full evaluation Planning and management of the evaluation process (9 consultants involved); Development of evaluation methods and overall set up for the evaluation; Implementation of the evaluation, including coordination and quality assurance; Preparation of country evaluation synthesis report and thematic reports; Specific and detailed study on the perception in Benin of the Danish support, based on questionnaires Presentation of preliminary and final evaluation results in Benin and in Denmark
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